We are hard-pressed on every side, yet not crushed; we are perplexed, but not in despair; persecuted, but not forsaken; struck down, but not destroyed. 2 Corinrhians 4:8-9 Are you feeling it? Lately, I've been noticing all around me what seems to be an overwhelming spirit of oppression. I know friends here in bloggy land, as well as, the ladies in my weekly Bible study who have been feeling under attack. It's been a rough couple of weeks. But, I also think it's going to bring about a time of growth if we let it. I wrote in a previous post that my word from the Lord this year is obedience. I actively live out my love for the Lord if I keep His commandments.
I view my salvation as a very precious treasure, and I don't take my role as a Christian lightly. I have branded myself and I bare His name. I don't want to tarnish His image, dishonor or bring shame to Him in any way. Unrealistic?! -Maybe, because I am a fallible human being. But it grieves my heart when I know I've let Him down, because He is my hero, my Father, my friend, my King!
I want to make Him proud of me. I want to delight in His law and serve Him with a joyful heart, and most of all I want to continually, closely abide in His love. I want Him to be apart of every decision I make, and I want to be a living sacrifice, holy and set apart for His kingdom works and His glory. That is my heart's desire. I want to find my beauty in a gentle/nurturing and quiet/peaceful spirit. I want to clothe myself in kindness and compassion, forbearance(patient endurance),diligence, mercy and tender heartedness. My desire is for wisdom and a quiet strength that puts others at ease in my presence, like that of an elder sage. And so I am looking to Him to mold me like clay into something uniquely beautiful. But I also know that in that process I must also be open to the refiners fire. So, that's where I'm at right now trying to be obedient, and open to His leading and correction, so that I can be ever faithful to Him and the calling He has on my life. And sometimes His leading is easy to follow and sometimes it's very uncomfortable. But, it's really all about peeling off a layer of self and adding a layer of Him. Luke 9:23 And he said to them all, If any man will come after me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross daily, and follow me. In all honesty though I'm ready to get passed this part and step into a time of refreshment and revival.
Revival comes in answer to the heart cries of God's people (quote by my lovely friend Susan at Penless Writer.) This really touched me, and I wanted to share it. She was asking for all of us as the body of Christ to pray for our nation daily. She referenced this scripture 2 Chronicles 7:14 If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land. She believes with all her heart that if we are faithful in our prayers for our nation the Lord will bring about a revival and healing in this nation. I so want that. I want to see and experience God's out pouring upon people. But, I know that to be an effective instrument of God and a part of this revival and healing that I my heart's cry first must be one of repentance. I need to make sure that I am making a straight path for Him (Luke 3:4 "Prepare the way for the Lord, make straight paths for Him.")Beth Moore explains in her book Jesus, the One and Only that the original Greek word for paths is tribos, which means "a beaten pathway." And I guess in my minds eye as I make my way to Him over and over everyday I want to clear that pathway of anything that is standing in the way of getting to Him. I don't want anything to hinder or slow me down as I run to him. And I think this time of testing is where I'm doing exactly that.
I am praying for you my sweet sisters and I ask for your prayers in return. Blessings!
Running from Shame — Lisa’s latest release
2 days ago
you are so right. I am feeling that same conviction to obey, to simply make my God proud because I have served Him well. It is so hard to put aside my flesh and do so some days.
Our God is doing a mighty work in His people. Jesus is coming soon and we must be right with Him. It is our heart and love He longs for, as we long for Him.
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