I would like to thank my bloggy friend Marsha for tagging me today. I needed to lighten the mood here. (Not really sure which direction to go in after my last post.) So, let's take a break from the intense and serious to share a little randomness.
Here are the rulz of the game...
1. Link to the person who ‘tagged’ you!
2. Post the rules on your blog!
3. List 6 random facts about yourself!
4. Tag 6 people at the end of your post!
5. Let each person know they have been tagged by commenting on their blog!
6. Let the tagger know the entry is posted on your blog!
Ok, I have to admit that I had my husband help me with this one. I asked him what are some random, but, intersting things about me that people may not know. So here are Six random facts about me:
*I spent the summer of 1996 touring Europe and singing with the United States Chorale, String and Wind Ensemble. I never really had a desire to go to Europe before this trip, but now that I've been, I can not wait to go back. It was so wonderful.
*I am very limber and can pinch incredibly hard with my toes, (as well as pull leg hair.) Just ask my hubby, hee-hee. We are still very playful with one another. And some times this is the only defense I have against him when he pins me down and tickles me.
*I had the honor of serving his majesty, King Juan Carlos I, and Queen Sofia of Spain dinner, when they visited Jackson, Mississippi in March 2001, for the opening of ''The Majesty of Spain: Royal Collections from the Museo del Prado and Patrimonio Nacional.''
*I have actually danced with my husband (who at the time was my boyfriend,) in the middle of a mall. We had just attended a late night movie and as we were leaving a very romantic song came on, and he asked me to dance. I thought it was so sweet, because he didn't even care if people were watching. He is deffinately a keeper.
*There have been a few times in my life that I have been in the hospital, and expirienced bizzare episodes while on pain medication. Hugh still laughs about the time I had my gallbladder out and was on demarol. Apparently, pain medication makes me talk out of the side of my head. I kept asking my friend, Datha if she'd take the turkey out of the oven, and if she'd ever been to Mississippi, because if she hadn't, we just had to go. "You'll love it!", I said. Then, some how, I started talking about being a wedding planner. (I don't know folks, don't ask me. -I mean I love to plan a great party and all, but where this came from- I have no clue.) "Oh, I've done a dozen or so weddings," I said. "People love my work." (Yes, apparently my wedding planning alter-ego is very modest, as well.) Hugh said, "Really, well tell me all about that." I'm sure they were laughing hysterically at me.
*My honey says I was born in the wrong time. I really do love the music, clothes, decor, and all things from the early 20th century Americana/World War II era. (1930s-1950s.) I like to mix in a little of the old with the new. I just bought a black vintage Coblentz purse to go with a black and white dress I'm trying to fit back into. (A little inspiration never hurt, y'all.) I'm going to pair them with what Hugh calls my movie star sunglasses and a string of pearls. I'm also on the search for a pair of strappy, pin up heels to complete the look. I don't really follow trends all that much. I'm more the classic conservative type. You know a bright cardigan set, accented with a diamond drop or string of pearls. I love to browse vintage shops. There is one down town here that has a wedding gown complete with the veil, head piece and shoes from the 40s. They also have the wedding picture of the original owner wearing it. It's breath taking. I like to dream, but I'd never buy it. They also have this beautiful 1930s, full length fur coat in the style I've seen old pictures of Bette Davis in. I could go on and on about the things I love in this category alone. Maybe I'll do a seperate post on it sometime.
Well, now you know a little more about me. I would like to learn a little more about the following people.
Ashley @ The Happily Ever Afters of the Lancasters.
Suzanne @ The Barnettes.
Christy @ Mommy Brain.
Ms. Susan @ Penless Writer.
Dawn @ By Sun and Candlelight.
Ashley @ The Ingram Gang.
And I have to add one...Rachel @ The Crazy Carellis Chronicle.
Have fun with it, and pass it on! Oh, and Marsha, I want the details on you dancing with Tom Cruise. ~Blessings!
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I enjoyed your 6 random things so very much, Tiffany. You are one amazing young woman!!! Thanks for tagging me and I will attempt to do this one. I've already told SO much about myself and my life but maybe I can come up with 6 new things. It may be a little while until I get around to this. My husband has to go to Oklahoma City tomorrow for some further test.
What an awesome random list! I loved getting to know you better. I knew you were an old soul at heart! And now that you have your playlist figured out, it truly reveals that old soul. It also explains your black and white lay out - very classic.
The low down on me and Tom will be the topic of tomorrow's Friday Funnies post.
Thanks for playing!
This was very fun sweetie.
I completed mine!
so you can REALLY pull leg hair w/you toes?? no way.
also, how sweet that QT asked you to dance in the mall. . . even if he IS my little bro.
Thanks for the tag! I just finished my answers.
Thanks also for the tip about "The Cutest Blog on the Block." What fun!
Tiffany, I just finished doing this!
Hey girl! So glad I stumbled upon your blog! You have a sweet family! So good to be connected to you again! I am addicted to blogging!
Love, Laura
Lovin' it!
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