Friday, October 17, 2008

It's the little things....

Little things make such a difference in your day to day routine. Sometimes it feels like it's all the same. An endless stretch that never seems to end in front of us. It can be discouraging and even over-whelming.

Yesterday and today have been difficult. I've been trying to play catch up from being sick last week. My house is a mess. Toys in the floor, dishes piled up and my bedroom seems to be where laundry goes to die. I have dirty piles sorted by color in the floor and clean laundry needing to be folded on the bed. And my sweet children are whiny little monkeys today. If they're not asking for snack, a movie or juice, they're asking me to hold them, find a certain toy for them, or they just want to climb all over me. I'm usually the one who stops everything to play, but goodness, I feel like I'm drowning in all that needs to be done.

This weekend is my hubby's birthday and we're taking him on a scenic railway ride to see all the fall foliage. This is the peak weekend to see all the fall colors here. Trey is so excited that we're going to ride a train, you'd think it was his birthday. I have to get the house it order, before we leave. I want us to be able to enjoy the weekend and relax, not work and clean.

So, this morning, as I was doing dishes, I started praying about my attitude. And you know what? The Lord sent a cool, crisp breeze through the open window in front of me, as I prayed over my steamy hot dishes. It was wonderful. It felt like He was sending me a hug. And I started thinking about how we don't always notice or thank Him for the little things like that- that He does to remind us He's there. Just yesterday, I was able to get a long, hot bath during nap time. It was that few minutes I needed to rejuvenate my mind in total silence. It made the whole rest of the day go smoother. And last night, we played in the front yard with our neighbors, raking leaves and jumping in the piles. I have such wonderful neighbors. They are a joy to be around. They love our kids, and we love theirs. And we just enjoy spending time together, even if it's just raking leaves and talking across the yard as the kids play.

It's the Little blessings we often overlook that can make all the difference in the world. I know that He brought all of these to my mind as I prayed, as well as an unexpected phone call from my sister, MC yesterday, and a dear husband who surprised me and the kids with brownies when we awoke from a nap on Sunday. These are the little things I need to keep at the fore front of my mind as I go through my day to day. To help me to be a little more up beat as I work.

So, I wanted to stop for a few moments and -Thank my Abba Father for all the little things- day to day blessings filled with solice and beauty that are all His way of saying I love you!

Philippians 4:8
Finally brothers, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable- if anything is excellent or praiseworthy- think about such things.

Ephesians 5:19-20
Speak to one another with psalms, hymns and spiritual songs. Sing and make music in your heart to the Lord, always giving thanks to God the Father for everything, in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ.


Susan said...

It is always a constant fight between the flesh & the spirit. We are accountable to stay in the spirit. You do a good job of that :o)

sharon brobst said...

AMEN! Girl thanks for reminding me that I need to stop and thank God for the little things that are going on around me instead of stressing over all the stuff that seems to be overwhelming at times.

Kimberly said...

I am so sorry that you were sick last week! I hope you are feeling much better. And I am praying for you as you try to catch up around your house. May God give you wisdom about what to put your hands to and what to just let go of.

I loved you mentioning the breeze from your open window being like a hug from Him. I remember when I worked in the front office at a school. I got to go and sit in my car somedays for my lunch break. I remember feeling the breeze blow through my open windows, and I would feel so close to Him.

This is such a great post. You admit your inability to do it all yourself, and yet, you still turn it all back to Him in praise.
Blessings! And have a great time for your hubby's b-day!

Surrendering to the construction work, K :)

Anonymous said...

so sweet and encouraging, tiff! i love those little "suprises" from God and so very often we don't even take notice of them. one of my personal favorites is a sudden and unexpected parking place in a lot full of cars. how nice ;O)

Anonymous said...

Hi Tiffany... I really enjoyed this post... and, I really enjoy the Lil Things in my life, too! They are just as special and important to me, as anything large and grand could be! So sorry you have not felt well, but do hope your health will be renewed very soon...

I want to thank you for your visits... I appreciate your comments and your company! I am so happy to say that my precious lil Ferret, Mocha, is feeling a bit better! God has blessed her and is keeping her out of pain... I was glad to learn that you've been enjoying the Halloween Eye Candy posts at my blog... perhaps you'll find an image or two that you're fond of, and can print it off to make a card or tag... You'd asked me where you could find vintage/vintage-looking stickers, etc. for the holiday... Thrift Shops, yard sales, eBay, Michael's Craft store, etc. are a few good places to begin searching!

I hope you and your family had a wonderful weekend... God bless...

~hugs 'n prayers~


Christy said...

you are so right! I am right there with you, feeling as if everything is piled up all around me. BUT thank you for reminding me about what is really important-I am so blessed and I needed that reminder!

luvmy4sons said...

You don't think too much about yoru health till its gone! It is a blessing to be ableto be well adn do your duties. Hope you get caught up on your work. Great verse!

Heidi said...

Hi Tiffany, I definitely have you down for my Very Vintage Christmas Swap! I do need however, you to fill out the information sheet & send it to me if you would...then you will be officially all signed up! :)...I am thrilled to have your joining me! & can't wait to get started!....Thank so much...Heidi XO P.S. Just go to the buttom on the right side of my blog & the information sheet will be right there.

Ingram Gang said...

This post is so great. It is the little things that are so easy to miss that are often most needed.

I got my gift today. THANK YOU! Really, that was so sweet of you. You are great!

Heidi said...

Hi Tiffany, I hope you are having a lovely Friday!...I wanted to get back to you......No I still haven't received your information sheet?....keep trying!.. & I will make sure as soon as I get it I will let you know! :)....Heidi XO

My Petite Maison said...

Hi Tiffany,
Well, first of all I want to thank you for one of the nicest comments I've received on my blog in a long time. I always get nice ones, but yours truly touched my heart. Thank you.

What a lovely post you have here and it lifted my spirit and made it soar. Yes, we need to remember to enjoy the little things and are so blessed to be able to stop, stand back and listen and be thankful each day. Something I need to be better about some days more than others.
Blessings to you

Kimberly said...

Hey, girl!
Just checking in on you!

sharon brobst said...

Hey Tiffany~ thanks for your visit. I'm thrilled the Word encouraged you! I did recieve my gift! I thought I sent a note of thanks and letting you know it arrived. I must of thought about it and then thought I did it!! Getting old...anyway it did arrive and I can't wait to try it! I looks like it's going to be delicious!! Thank you so much!!!